It is time to get your FLU SHOT!

Now is the time to get a flu vaccine! This year, it is more important than ever to take the vaccine proactively.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone 6 months of age and older receive a flu vaccine every year. A flu vaccine is particularly important for below reasons.

  • People with chronic medical conditions—such as heart disease, diabetes and asthma—are at higher risk of developing flu-related complications. Complications can range from pneumonia and bronchitis to intensified symptoms of chronic medical conditions and a weakened ability to fight off infections.
  • Adults 65 years and older are at higher risk of serious complications from influenza due to weakening of the immune system. 
  • Flu vaccination reduces the risk of flu illness, hospitalization and death, but studies also have shown that flu vaccination has been associated with lower rates of cardiac events among people with heart disease, as well as reduced hospitalizations related to their medical condition among people with diabetes and chronic lung disease.

Your flu vaccine can protect you and the people around you who may be more vulnerable to flu.

To make it easier, we are excited to let you know that you can make appointments online by clicking here.

To make it even easier for existing patients, we will have walk-in Flu shot clinic at our Coit location.

  • No appointment is needed (ONLY FOR EXISTING PATIENT)
  • You can drop by 8:30am-5m Thursday and Friday until Oct 29 2021.
  • Address: 4625 Coit Rd, Ste 210, Frisco, Texas 75035
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